Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can you believe this?

 Since we made the decision a year ago to do our best to eat local organic and sustainable food, we've been eating better than ever.  We've been doing a CSA (community supported agriculture) for over a year and have fallen in love with the idea of buying directly from our local farmers and eating seasonally.  We recently changed CSA's and wanted to share the good news.

Let me start by saying that I have a personal bias anyway towards KMK farm in Kingsburg CA.  Kyle and his family remind me of this famous Thomas Jefferson quote: " Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virture."  If you ever get the opportunity to tour KMK farm you'll know what I mean.  The respect and love of the earth and for the food it bears is overwhelmingly present in all who work  to provide my family and others with soul nourishing delights.  So when I heard that Kristi was starting their CSA I knew that I wanted to be part of it.

I love this CSA because I get to choose what we get in it.  For our first box we ordered: baby lettuce heads, broccoli raab, fennel, parsley, dill, kale, romanesco cauliflower, swiss chard, stir fry mix, sorrel, thyme,  watermelon radish and two dozen eggs.  I was so elated when I saw the box that I couldn't stop smiling.  Look at what we got!  Insane.  We made a frittata  for breakfast with the chard and some scallions that I bought this morning from Kyle and I plan on a big salad for dinner.  I highly recommend that you contact Kristi at: and sign up.  You'll be all smiles too.


  1. Sweet! We just got our first two boxes from Kristi, too, and LOVE it! Thanks for this post!

  2. Thanks SOOO much for ALL your support, your an inspiration to many ;)
